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 Map to Putrajaya


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Keywords of the Map:
Putrajaya Convention Centre, Persiaran Timur, Dengkil, MMU, Persiaran Utara, Lebuh Perdana Barat, Ne wPutrajaya Link, Perdana Putra, Central Business District, PJH, PJC, IO Palm Garden Resort, Puchong-Serdang Bypass, LDP, Taman Wetlands,    




About This Map:
Putrajaya sits on a magnificent 4,931 hectares in Sepang, Selangor, within the MSC. It is 44km south of Kuala Lumpur and 40km north of KL International Airport in Sepang via existing highways. It will be the most accessible city in Malaysia. You can reach Putrajaya using expressways, urban highways and rail.
Putrajaya, Selangor